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9005770500   Aprofundiment en la pràctica AICLE/CLIL. (Blended Primary)
2017-2018   Curs semipresencial. Secundària Obligatòria i batxillerat
   7/3/2018 - 10/6/2018 (45 hores) de 17:00h a 20:00h
   INS Jaume Balmes
   c. Pau Claris, 121 (Barcelona) 
Format   Semipresencial
Sincronicitat    Mixt
Organització   Servei de Formació i Desenvolupament Professional del Personal
   Lloc per confirmar
Accessos   METRO (Línia 3)
Estació PASSEIG DE GRÀCIA (Sortida C. del Consell de Cent)
Correspondència METRO (Línies 2 i 4)
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Tipus activitat   BC33 Aprofundiment en la pràctica AICLE/CLIL. (Blended Primary)
Inscripció   09/01/2018 - 19/01/2018
Descripció i   Metodologia:   This course is intended for teachers who want to widen their understanding of Content
and Language Integrated Learning and wish to take a step forward. It is meant for
teachers who passed the initial course, CLPI: AICLE Iniciació Primària, or CLSI: AICLE
Iniciació Secundària who would like to expand their knowledge and enlarge their
teaching repertoire.
At the end of the course participants will have deepened their
knowledge of the CLIL theoretical framework as well as they will have a compilation of
useful resources and ready-to-use pedagogic materials.
Previous training on CLIL: 30h minimum and school certificate of CLIL implementation.
ICT average user.

Objectius   ● To refresh the CLIL theoretical and practical framework
● To share and analyse CLIL planning examples
● To advise,guide and improve the CLIL units design and development
● To foster a CLIL effective implementation adding resources and teaching
● To state some of the acquired concepts explicitly in a project
Continguts   The course is divided into 6 modules, with several exercises, and a final project. It is supposed that proper completion requires 45 hours of work: 6 hours per module plus 9
hours for the final project. The modules have been designed with special care to balance the theoretical and practical aspects of CLIL; using CLIL to learn CLIL. The final aim is to foster analysis and reflection from whoever is interested in this methodology.
These are the modules:
● M1: Deepening on Communication and Scaffolding
This module focuses on Communication, paying a special attention to caffolding
strategies and the roles of language in CLIL.
● M2: Increasing Understanding of Cognitive Skills
This module focuses on Cognitive and Learning Skills, paying special
atttention to scaffolding cognition and content and the importance of 21st
century learning skills.
● M3: Cooperative Learning and CLIL
In this module, you will learn how to plan cooperative learning tasks, how to
manage them and how toapply them in your CLIL classes.
● M4: More on Assessment in CLIL
The aim of this module is to offer you a wide range of new assessment tools and
to reflect in depth about your assessment processes in CLIL.
● M5: CLIL Strategies
This module aims to provide new views to be applied to CLIL lessons: the Multiple
Intelligences Theory, the importance of visuals and some more classroom
● M6: Tips on Implementation
This last module is intended to furnish some few more tips for an optimal CLIL
● Project:
The project is based on the enhancement and development of a CLIL unit or
sequence of activities of yours. In addition to this, the final project includes
a video recording of a CLIL lesson, based on the project.
Observacions   This is a blended course: 30 face to face hours and 15 on line hours.(Aquest curs es fa des de la plataforma Odissea de la pàgina Xtec).
Formador/a   Carme Florit
Avaluació   To pass this course, it is obligatory to complete all tasks within the established deadlines.Each module requires 6 hours training. The final project is also compulsory to complete the course and requires 9 hours training.
Requisits de  certificació   To pass this course, it is obligatory to complete all tasks within the established deadlines.Each module requires 6 hours training. The final project is also compulsory to complete the course and requires 9 hours training.
Persones  destinatàries   Primary, ESO and Batxillerat teachers who hold a B2 or above certificate in English.
1. Disposar d'usuari XTEC actiu.
2. Haver certificat les activitats de formació adjudicades durant aquest curs acadèmic i l'anterior.
Criteris específics d’adjudicació. Les sol•licituds admeses s'ordenaran en funció de:
1.Nivell de llengua C2,C1, B2.
Si les acreditacions d’especialitat i/o nivell de llengua (C2,C1 o B2) requerides a la convocatòria no consten a l’ATRI, caldrà omplir aquest FORMULARI dins del període de sol•licitud.
Consulteu: RESOLUCIÓ ENS/2480/2017, de 20 d’octubre
2. Vinculació al centre de treball 1 Funcionari 2 Interí 3 Substitut
E-mail   formlle@xtec.cat
 Sessió 1   dimecres   07/03/2018   1700   2000 
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 Sessió 10   diumenge   10/06/2018   1700   2000 

Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament d'Educació
Pla de formació permanent